Saturday, May 18, 2013

One Glorious Week

Last week I got a call from my yoga buddy JO, asking if I needed a break from teaching my morning mysore classes. My answer was an unhesitating,"YES"!! JO needed a break from the city of brotherly love where she is studying Ashtanga under the tutelage of our teacher David Garrigues. JO got in her faithful roadster and drove to North Carolina for a working vacation type of get away. For one glorious week, Joanna Darlington was Ashtanga Yoga Durham's in-house morning mysore yoga teacher. This week was glorious for many reasons: I got to sleep in till about 7 AM and then practice with my community. I practiced 6 days in a row, one day second, 4 days all of third(sans that last pose) one day primary. Usually I practice AFTER teaching, and It is often difficult to sustain a full practice. My students received great teaching from JO. Hearing instruction from a new source can help get the ideas into the skull. Everyone's practice has gone up a notch. My husband cooked for JO and me, so we got to hang out together AND be waited on by my terrific husband. When my husband was not around to cook for us, I took JO to many of Durham's great restaurants.(Durham is one of the United States' foodiest cities) JO and I where housemates in India this winter while we studying with David Garriugues. It was fun and familiar to be housemates again. It was incredible to see JO be such an adept and proficient mysore teacher. She is half way through a one thousand hour teacher apprentice program with David Garrigues. WOW! Can't wait to see what the next 500 hours of being an apprentice with David G will bring to her practice and her mysore teaching. I am SO GRATEFUL to be a part of ashtanga yoga's living tradition of daily mysore practice. Thank you T Krisnamacharya for teaching Pattabhi Jois Thank you Pattabhi Jois for teaching David G Thank you David G for teaching JO Thank you JO for teaching ashtanga yoga durham peeps Thank you AYSphilly peeps for letting me have JO for one glorious week!